BS Detector (Prank) - Diss n Gauges

by ERA404 Creative Group, Inc.


1.49 usd

Diss n Gauges: BS Meter! Because sometimes the best response is an app!

Is your friend talking out of their rear? Inform them (and the rest of your party) that youre not buying it. Save a shortcut to this meter on your home screen to quickly open the application. As with all Diss n Gauges meters, this meter reacts to tapping on the screen. Tap once to trigger, tap a second time to reset.Diss n Gauges: BS Detector provides one-click access to the meter. This small, lightweight app is great for users that want to quickly access the meter during conversations. Its also less expensive than the Diss n Gauges: Multi-Pack.Are you looking for best and funniest way to start or end (disengage from) a conversation? Each laugh you get is worth the cost of this application. Engage and disengage (or diss n gauge) in conversations now.Note: The Diss n Gauges BS Detector doesnt actually scientifically measure the honesty or truthiness of the conversation. Like all Diss n Gauges meters, it is just a joke. Its a prank. A conversation starter (or ender). ---If you love this meter, try the Diss n Gauges: Multi-Pack, which combines all our individual meters into one great application. The Multi-Pack includes:1. BS Detector: Is your friend talking out of their rear? Inform them (and the rest of your party) that youre not buying it. 2. Dial It Down: Is your friend acting nasty or spiteful and its exceeding your tolerance level? Inform them (and the rest of your party) that they need to dial it back a bit.3. Crap-o-Meter: Is your friend droning on and on about something that you couldnt care less about (say, Crossfit, for instance)? Inform them (and the rest of your party) of your disinterest in a fun way.4. Hottie Finder: Looking for a great way to strike up a conversation with that beautiful girl or guy across the bar? Let our Hottie Finder act as a divining rod to direct you to them!5. Guydar: Having difficulty identifying gay girls or guys in the clubs and karaoke halls? Let our Guydar Detector help locate them!6. Fuel Gauge: Need some help deciding if you need one more or had one too many? Heres a quick, clever way to reply to friends when they ask if youre ready for another round. Buy the Diss n Gauges: Multi-Pack and well upgrade you to receive all new meters as they come out, absolutely free!